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Sanctuary Art Glass Windows

High quality, custom, artistic stained glass windows. St. Charles Sanctuary Art Glass Windows will be nearly nine feet in height and five feet in width and will be over five feet from the floor.

These Sanctuary Art Glass Windows will provide a beautiful surround as you worship.

Window Locations

1. Saint Isidore the Farmer
2. Saint Jude Thaddeus
3. Saint Barbara
4. Blessed Miguel Agustin Pro
5. Saint Rita
6. Saint Patrick - Sponsored
7. Saint Stephen
8. Saint Rose of Lima
9. Saint Vincent de Paul
10. Saint Katherine Drexel
11. Saint Maximilian Kolbe
12. Saint Lucy
13. Saint Toribio Romo Gonzalez
14. Saint Pope John Paul II
15. Saint Cecilia
16. Saint Columba
17. Saint Brigid
18. Saint Dominic
19. Saint Agnes
20. Saint Peregrine Laziosi

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