The crucifix, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit will be carved in linden wood with an antique finish. The cross will have an inner steel structure and two steel brackets for installing onto the wall, as provided by the general contractor. God the Father, the Holy Spirit, and the crucifix will be three separate carvings. Having each member in the Holy Trinity carved achieves the following:
A Trinitarian Crucifixion Scene
This emphasizes the glorious Paschal Mystery and Christ’s passion and death. We strive for a depiction of the fullness of the Paschal Sacrifice of the Cross, which includes Passion and Death and the Glory of the Resurrection. This situates the glorious Paschal Mystery at the center of the retablo, within the heavenly sphere, where the angels and saints rightfully bask in the glory of the Most Blessed Trinity.
The Throne of Mercy
This depicts God the Father in a seated position with His hands holding the cross, the crucifix resting on His lap, and the Holy Spirit descending in the form of a dove to bestow eternal life. This touches on all points of the retablo’s message: Christ’s sacrifice, God’s gratitude for His sacrifice, Christ’s resurrection, and His eternal life.
The Relationship between the Trinity: At the moment of Christ’s death, the Father receives a beloved Son who has been obedient to his will. The Father looks slightly down at the Son from a position of omniscience and omnipotence. His expression shows strength, pleasure and gratitude for His son’s sacrifice, and He has a paternal expression. Christ’s expression is peaceful, looking up at the Father to show their familial bond. To make the Trinity more complete, the Holy Spirit is included. The Holy Spirit is looking in the same direction as God the Father (downwards toward Christ).

There are a variety of opportunities to sponsor other areas on the Retablo.